MP visit - Chuka Umunna meets with Lambeth LMC

On Friday 29 January 2018 members of Lambeth LMC met Chuka Umunna MP at the Exchange Surgery in his Streatham constituency.

The LMC members covered the challenges around recruitment, retention and workload and how the three impact on each other. They also covered Lambeth’s successes with collaborative working and what more could be done to support practices to build the necessary relationships to coordinate services better with each other and the wider health and social care system. Finally Dr Jarrett explained the problems Capita/Primary Care Support England were causing practices in Lambeth and asked Chuka Umunna to raise the issue in Parliament.

Members of the district nursing team raised issues including the lack of limits on caseload and problems with reimbursement for fuel and congestion charge. They also raised wider issues around the cost of living in South London resulting in recruitment problems and some nurses not being able to afford cars, which are necessary to take them on their rounds.

At the meeting from Lambeth LMC and the wider primary care community were:

  • Dr Penelope Jarrett, Chair Lambeth LMC;
  • Dr Emma Rowley-Conwy, member Lambeth LMC;
  • Matilda Ogutu, Team Leader Streatham Community Nursing Team, Guys and St Thomas Trust;
  • Ted Kargbo, Locality Manager, Guys and St Thomas Trust and;
  • Dr Jayesh Patel, GP Director, Lambeth GP Federations.

If your LMC and/or practice would be interest in raising any issues with your local MP please contact to get advice on how to do so.

Chuka Umunna and Lambeth LMC representatives

From left to right: Dr Emma Rowley Conwy, Dr Penelope Jarrett, Chuka Umunna MP and Dr Jayesh Patel.

Last updated : 28 Feb 2018


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