Sessional GP subcommittee election nominations

Nominations for all sixteen seats of the Sessional GP subcommittee for the 2019-22 session are open until 12pm Thursday 18 April 2019. To participate in the election, please log into the BMA election web page.

Dr Vicky Weeks, Londonwide LMCs medical director and former Chair of the sessional GP subcommittee, explains why you should think about standing for election:

"The subcommittee comprises 16 representatives, nationally elected by their peers, and is the only representative body for Sessional GPs that has delegated authority to act on matters that relate wholly and primarily to Sessional GPs, and as such with recognised negotiating rights. Examples of work where the Subcommittee has lead includes annualisation, death in service benefit for locum GPs, IR35, as well as representational issues and providing support tools for Sessional GPs. 

"Organisation of GP practices into Primary Care Networks and into Integrated Care Systems, with the contractual obligations attached to that, represents the most important and fundamental change to the way we work as GPs. As Sessional GP you need to be a part of that and have your voice heard.

"So this is why to is important to stand for election and get your nomination in now."

To find out more about the Sessional GP Subcommittee's work, read their latest newsletter.

Last updated : 17 Apr 2019


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