Help needed to plan for current and future demands of general practice

We have important work planned for the next three months that we need your help with. If you work in London general practice in an area represented by Londonwide LMCs, please complete this survey and share your thoughts on current working practices. We are also grateful for the offers of help with our pending research project which will look at the ongoing and future need and role for general practice.

We will be conducting research exploring the views of staff and patients on the core values of general practice, and the practice of general practice both now, and in the future. The potential impact of fast-tracking service change models during the pandemic and the pace of change in the primary/ secondary care interface make this an important and timely piece of work, and the project will run for three months, through August, September and October – reporting in November.

Through in-depth interviews and polling of GPs and patients, as well as patient round tables, we will try and crystalise what changes would support the provision and receipt of primary health care at a local level as viewed by providers and patients, in order to inform and influence decision makers and commissioners.

If you would be willing to participate in a half hour in-depth interview with independent researchers at some stage of the project, please email. All comments and references will be anonymous.

Last updated : 23 Jul 2020


Covid-19 vaccination campaign – January update (27 Jan 2021)

Since our last newsletter there have been a number of developments with the Covid vaccination campaign, most notably: The approval of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, NHS England’s instruction to prioritise essential...
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Hesitancy around Covid vaccination (27 Jan 2021)

A poll carried out by the Royal Society for Public Health in December found that just 57% of respondents from black or ethnic minority backgrounds were likely to accept...
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Helping sessional GPs to match to practices in their area during the Covid-19 vaccination programme (06 Jan 2021)

During these difficult times we appreciate that general practice is under extreme workload pressures trying to meet numerous demands which they may be struggling to do so with existing staff...
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Integrated Care Systems legal structure proposals consultation (16 Dec 2020)

A new NHS England report seeking views on proposals to create a new legal structure for ICS was published recently, setting out plans to place ICS on a statutory footing...
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December 2020 workforce survey – thank you for responding (15 Dec 2020)

Our latest workforce survey officially closed on Monday 14 December, thank you to those who took the time to provide us with this valuable information, particularly at the moment when everyone working...
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New Covid-19 vaccination ES guidance (14 Dec 2020)

In the first two weeks of December 2020, we published three new documents to support practices who have signed-up to deliver the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme Enhanced Service (ES). Medicolegal matters...
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