Comment on cuts to public health funding

We approached Pulse with a comment on cuts to public health funding. Dr Michelle Drage said: “Cuts to public health funding, sexual health services, smoking cessation and community nursing have seen general practice asked to take up the strain with no extra resources.

“One practice I know of even had its doctors and nurses cycling to vulnerable, housebound patients’ homes to provide flu jabs, because community nurses were so overstretched. There is only so long GPs and nurses can go above and beyond like this before they burn out.”

Link to publication – Four in 10 GPs asked to provide public health services without payment.

Last updated : 05 Feb 2019


Blog - GPs are going above and beyond putting the system at breaking point. (06 Feb 2019)

Dr Michelle Drage wrote a blog for the Huffington Post. Link to publication - GPs are going above and beyond putting the system at breaking point.
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