New GPC England Chair

Last week Dr Farah Jameel was elected Chair of the BMA’s General Practitioners Committee England. Farah is a GP in Camden and Joint-Chair of the LMC for the area, she has been on the GPC Executive team for the last four years and held numerous other representative roles spanning more than a decade, beginning on the BMA’s Junior Doctors Committee.

Farah’s statement on being elected can be read here and she will lead the GPC into today’s Conference of England LMCs, the agenda for which can be viewed here.

Dr Michelle Drage, our CEO said:

“I’d like to welcome Farah Jameel as the new chair of GPC England following her historic election last week, and thank Richard Vautrey for his service to the profession. Being Chair is a tricky brief at the best of times, but recent years and months have been tough, with more hard work to come. It is therefore all the better that we have a woman who lives, eats and breathes the issues we face daily as GPs and practice teams in the Capital leading the profession’s dealings with government.”

Last updated : 25 Nov 2021


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