London GP Leader Calls for Recognition, Not Grand Schemes

Dr Michelle Drage, CEO of Londonwide LMCs - the representative body for GPs in London, has commented on the Secretary of State for Health's recent remarks about general practice:

Statement from Dr Michelle Drage, CEO of Londonwide LMCs

"The hospital-centric policy goals reflected in Mr Hunt’s speech to Conservative Party Conference are simplistic and show a comprehensive lack of understanding of the value that general practices bring to their local communities.

"Bold statements about seven day working when GPs and practice nurses are already stretched to capacity do not wash with health workers on the ground. For GPs in London, exhausted after a 10 hour day providing full-on care to patients at 10 minute intervals, the prospect of spreading diminishing energies and resources over a further 2 days each week is unwelcome and demoralising.

"What general practice in London needs is real recognition - not grand schemes. GPs and practice nurses need adequate time for meaningful consultations with patients; supported by multi-disciplinary services; and accessible diagnostics.

"There are better solutions to London’s health and social care challenges than those we’ve heard recently. We hope that General Practice survives long enough in the Capital to enact them."

Dr Drage is available for comment. For further information please contact: Alex Orton, PR and Media Manager, Londonwide LMCs, 07768 139 704,

Notes to editors:

  1. For further information please contact: Alex Orton, PR and Media Manager, Londonwide LMCs, 020 3818 6239,
  2. Londonwide LMCs is the only independent body in London representing 7000 GPs and over 1300 Practice Managers and the wider practice team across London.
  3. Local medical committees are the statutory body representing GPs and practices; every London borough has a local medical committee, supported by Medical Directors working for the umbrella organisation (Londonwide LMCs) covering NW, NCE and South London.
  4. Further information on Londonwide LMCs can be found on our website; via Twitter @londonwidelmcs ; or on our GPResilience campaigning website.
Last updated : 07 Oct 2015


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