World Mental Health Day

We marked World Mental Health Day (Monday 10 October) by sharing resources on social media, including perspectives on managing patients’ mental health and supporting good mental health among GPs.

Reflective Practice Masterclasses

  • Our Reflective Practice Masterclasses are intended to help practitioners manage their mental wellbeing and find a state of equilibrium. The next session will be held on 10 November and places are still available.
  • This is the second year we have run the Reflective Masterclasses. Dr Clare Gerada’s reflections on the aims of the masterclasses held last winter outlines why the sessions are so valuable.

Mental Health and Workload Pressures

We recently held a newsletter snap poll on whether workload pressures were affecting the mental health of practice staff, 93% of respondents said “yes”.

Mental Health Guest blogs

Over the last year some of our guest bloggers have considered mental health issues:

  • In July Ed Rosen explained how the Lambeth GP food co-op use the experience of growing food to provide a positive outlet for patients with mental health issues.
  • In June diabetes expert Dr Neel Basudev wrote about the importance of ‘breaking the cycle of despair’ associated with helping patients to successfully manage their weight.
  • In December Dr Paul O’Reilly wrote about his work treating on the treating homless people in Westminster, who disproportionately suffer from mental illness and addiction.
  • In November Dr Tony Grewal wrote a piece on ‘Movember’ and men’s health, including the importance of getting men to share their health concerns as soon as they think something may be wrong.

GPs and mental health in the media

Last updated : 19 Oct 2016


Help needed to plan for current and future demands of general practice (22 Jul 2020)

We have important work planned for the next three months that we need your help with. If you work in London general practice in an area represented by Londonwide LMCs, 
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2020 GP Patient Survey results (21 Jul 2020)

Over 95% of patients who responded to the latest NHS England survey said they had confidence and trust in the last healthcare professional they saw. Over 80% of patients rated...
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Un-resourced work from secondary care (21 Jul 2020)

Practices are currently facing a significant challenge as capacity is reduced by the need to adhere to infection control measures and pent up demand from patients staying away from practices...
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Online and social media - strategy, risk management, understanding and managing feedback (08 Jul 2020)

        The latest offer in Londonwide LMCs' free development support for practice managers, or to a nominated other member of the team who would benefit....
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Official studies: BAME people at increased risk from Covid-19 (24 Jun 2020)

The Government has recently released two Public Health England (PHE) reports looking into the impact of coronavirus on people from BAME backgrounds. The reports were written by Professor Kevin Fenton...
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Resumption of routine CQC inspections and the emergency support framework (24 Jun 2020)

The CQC will resume routine inspections of GP practices in the autumn, with no start date specified yet. Since the middle of May the CQC has been remotely monitoring practices...
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TFL face covering exemption (24 Jun 2020)

Since 15 June it has been mandatory for passengers over the age of 11 to wear face coverings on public transport in London, as well as in private hire vehicles. This...
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