Patient participation workshops starting in the New Year

Our Patient Engagement project has been working with practices and patient participation group (PPG) members to identify the benefits and challenges involved in developing active and effective PPGs.

As a result we will be running a series of three workshops on the role of PPGs in meeting the current challenges of general practice. Each workshop is focused on a different theme, with practice and patient leads invited to register for the workshop which is most relevant to them.

Each workshop costs £50 per practice, with two places specifically assigned for the practice’s patient engagement lead and the patient lead from their PPG, for example the practice manager and the PPG chair. Practices should identify both their practice patient engagement lead and their patient lead when booking their chosen workshop; the workshops will support collaborative working between participants from the same practice.

The workshops are open to all practices within the 27 boroughs represented by Londonwide LMCs. Places will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.


25 January: Setting the future framework for your PPG

1.00pm – 4.30pm (including lunch)

Find out about the key components of PPGs which effectively benefit patients and practices; identify how to find local support for the development of your PPG; share what is working well and what is not working so well for your PPG and produce an action plan to meet your priorities for the future.  

To register your interest please email Marie Vassallo.


22 February:   Building an inclusive PPG and how to develop virtual PPGs

1.00pm – 4.30pm (including lunch)

Identify the benefits to patients and practice of increasing the number and diversity of patients involved in your PPG; find out about ways to overcome barriers to wider patient participation in your PPG; learn about the practicalities and options involved in developing and maintaining a virtual PPG; plan for your next steps in widening participation in your PPG.

To register your interest please email Marie Vassallo.


29 March:  Practice and patients acting together as a force for change

1.00pm – 4.30pm (including lunch)

Review the current policy context for general practice in the capital; find out more about the theoretical models and developing policy expectations of patient engagement; identify the ways your PPG currently exercises influence within and beyond your practice;  consider the  opportunities for patients and practices to act together to influence local and national policy;  identify practical options for your practice and patients to act together to influence local and national decision making about general practice.

To register your interest please email Marie Vassallo.

Last updated : 13 Dec 2016


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