Our latest workforce survey is live next week

Thank you in advance for making space in your hectic day to complete our short survey on practice workforce issues which will help us to gather insight to share with key opinion formers and stakeholders, and to generate stories highlighting the pressures you are under for trade and national publications.

Our latest workforce survey will be arriving with practices via email next week (commencing 29 May), this is the fourth such survey we have had conducted via polling company ComRes and is particularly important because it will bring us up to a full two years’ worth of data collected by ComRes on London’s general practice workforce.

The data gathered from previous workforce surveys has been used in a number of ways to support our work advocating for you, including:

  • Obtaining coverage of London’s GP workforce crisis in dozens of articles and reports, including on the front page of a national newspaper.
  • Securing practice visits with MPs and Assembly Members from the three main political parties representing London.
  • Being invited to submit evidence to Parliamentary committee enquiries.
  • Showing commissioners and the other bodies which make up London’s health landscape that GP practices are facing significant workforce issue.
Last updated : 05 Jun 2017


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