Dr Michelle Drage awarded BMA Medal

On 26 June at the BMA Annual Representative Meeting in Belfast, Dr Michelle Drage, our Chief Executive, was awarded the Association Medal in recognition of her “distinguished service to the association and her contribution to medicine”.

The BMA recognised Michelle’s local service to GPs and practices: in Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow as an LMC member and wider North West London as secretary to Middlesex LMCs, and BMA regional representative for the area. This included her work promoting the value of the wider primary care team in practice leadership and improving in-work education for allied health professionals. The LMCs covered by Londonwide LMCs have grown substantially in their reflection of the diverse mix of gender, ethnicity and contractual status seen among London general practice, which was also praised.

They went on to thank Michelle for her work as a national negotiator for the BMA and her work chairing committees, including the one on workforce. Michelle’s personal contribution to one of the BMA’s greatest and most unexpected challenges was summed up as follows:

“You were one of the first clinicians on scene during the 7/7 terror attacks, working with your colleagues to triage the wounded, and later were one of the two BMA UK negotiators to provide evidence to the Lady Justice Hallett inquests that followed the 7/7 tragedies.

“Dr Drage, you embody not only the care and kindness of the experienced general practitioner but also the practical application of the BMA motto. You really do use your head, heart, and hand in all your professional work.”

Upon receiving the award, Michelle said:

“Thank you to everyone who has supported and contributed to me being awarded the BMA Medal and congratulations to the other award winners.”

At the same ceremony Dr Helena McKeown, Dr Jeeves Wijesuriya and Dr Chaand Nagpaul were also presented with the Association Medal.

Last updated : 21 Aug 2019


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