Tips on submitting childhood immunisations (0-5) data to Open Exeter

At our recent finance event for GPs and practice managers NHS England London’s vaccinations and immunisations team gave the following advice to practices when submitting their childhood immunisations (0-5) data to Open Exeter.

  1. Always choose ‘save’ AND ‘submit’ to ensure your data is submitted correctly to Open Exeter. Choosing ‘save’ on its own will not submit the data.
  2. Deadline reminder emails are sent directly to the nominated person at the practice from Open Exeter.
  3. Reconciliations are allowed for the current or previous quarter only. Once this deadline has passed you will not be able to submit a claim for reconciliation.

The key cut-off dates are: 


Cohort date

Cut-off date

Payment month


1 January

1 May



1 April

1 August



1 July

1 November



1 October

1 February


NHS England’s advice to GPs and pharmacists on ordering flu vaccine stocks for the 2018/19 season was updated on 5 February 2018 and can be viewed here.

Last updated : 21 Sep 2018


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