Doctors of the World Safer Surgeries toolkit

Doctors of the World (DOTW) has launched the Safe Surgeries toolkit, a single site to provide GP practices with resources helping them to better understand the regulations and best practice around caring for migrant populations.

DOTW UK is offering practices who opt to become designated Safe Surgeries additional access to free training, tailored resources, and a network of practices committed to tackling the barriers preventing vulnerable people from accessing their services. These networks aim to foster a supportive community for practices managing high and complex demand. 

The first Safe Surgeries have already signed up in London, Manchester and Birmingham. Dr Jenny Akhurst, a GP at one of the first Safe Surgeries, explains what led her south London practice to join: 

"As a GP I'm concerned about the patients we're not seeing, who are invisible to us because they haven't been able to register or advocate for themselves. We joined Safe Surgeries because we want to be clear to our staff, patients and community that we're doing everything we can to reduce those barriers. We've committed to Safe Surgeries so that there is no ambiguity when people come to us: they're entitled to register with a GP and they can do so without ID or proof of address if they need to." 

If you would like further information, please contact Dr Akhurst via

Last updated : 20 Aug 2018


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