Keep us up to date so we can represent you

You should have received an email from us around midday on Friday 2 November with this subject line:

“Keep informed by keeping us informed (SSE/NWL/NCNE)”

This email contains our current records for who works at your practice, it would be really helpful if you could update the grid in the email which has been sent to you and return it to the contact email address, provided in the signature on the email.

By giving us up-to-date contact details you enable us to send out relevant guidance and updates to you and your colleagues. This information also means we have a better understanding of the make up of the teams working in each practice we represent.

If you cannot find this email in your inbox please email the following contacts and ask them for a copy:

Last updated : 19 Nov 2018


Friday 8 May Bank Holiday opening (29 Apr 2020)

With just over a week to go there still remains a lack of clarity on funding of staff payments and costs. Until clear, we continue to advise you to keep...
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Temporary changes to GP Connect and the Summary Care Record (SCR) (29 Apr 2020)

NHSX and NHS Digital are making temporary changes to GP Connect and to the Summary Care Record to help the NHS respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes are to improve...
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Covid-19 PPE and other supplies - latest update (29 Apr 2020)

Supplies of practice equipment, particularly PPE remains of great concern due to levels of availability being mismatched to need. Whilst there are low levels of stock with some suppliers, many...
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General Practice During The Pandemic: The Role of the General Practitioner and Practice Team (29 Apr 2020)

Our new document, General Practice During The Pandemic: The Role of the General Practitioner and Practice Team, looks at how practice teams are adapting to the Covid-19 challenge and...
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