Workforce survey results - winter 2020

We had responses from 384 individuals, working in 316 different practices out of the 1,100 member practices surveyed between 24 November to 16 December 2020. This represents a response rate of 29% of practices surveyed or 27% of the total 1,166 practices represented by Londonwide LMCs.

A third of responding practices (35%) were carrying GP or nurse vacancies and another third (32%) have a GP planning to retire in the next three years. You can see selected slides from the report here.

We are already using the data from this report to influence London MPs’ understanding of the pressures facing general practice and the knock-on effect on patients. Thank you to all those who completed the survey, it provides invaluable data which we use in making the case for London general practice in numerous settings.

Last updated : 23 Mar 2021


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