Patient engagement roundtable

Our Patient Engagement Project hosted a successful roundtable event last month which focussed on building working relationships with third sector stakeholders to benefit practices in their work with their patient participation groups (PPGs).

“Working Together to support general practice in London in fostering and developing patient participation groups” was an event that brought together participants with differing perspectives to share expertise and debate the key themes identified by the Patient Engagement Project as underpinning the development of PPGs as integral to high quality, sustainable general practice. The key findings of LMCs patient engagement survey were endorsed and expanded on by roundtable participants. Present at the event were representatives of Healthwatch; the Patients Association; the National Association of Patient Participation Groups; members of patient participation groups; a practice manager and Londonwide LMCs’ medical directors (GPs).

The roundtable set the basis for future partnership working to support practices in their work with PPGs, including the co-development and delivery of workshops and products for practices. The report of the event includes a section for practices and PPGs on how to find what’s offered for PPG support and development in London by the third sector participants in the roundtable event.

For more information on Londonwide LMCs Patient Engagement Project, including workshops for practice team and PPG members, please e mail

Last updated : 26 Jan 2017


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