Practice resources for children and young people

Healthy London Partnership (HLP), brings together London CCGs, NHS England and other partners to assist with the delivery of better health and care for all Londoners. HLP has a range of tools and resources to support GPs and practice staff provide health and wellbeing care for children and young people (CYP).

Free event: How to transform primary care for CYP in London (Thursday 26 April 2018) and the launch of a toolkit of resources for primary care. The keynote speaker is Prof Sir Michael Marmot; there will be workshops and a marketplace of innovative practice. Register here.

Asthma toolkit: Endorsed by the RCGP and RCP, the toolkit gives you tools to help care for young asthmatic patients. There are resources for GPs – e.g. on assessment and management, audit and workforce – as well as for nurses, pharmacists and for parents and carers. Access the toolkit here. (

Asthma review templates: Available for EMIS, with SystmOne and Vision translations coming soon. Contact HLP if you would like access to the file. HLP is also piloting a prevalence finder, developed by Dr Ross Dyer-Smith, to help identify young patients with undiagnosed asthma. Currently available for EMIS, and SystmOne with translation to Vision under development. Contact: if you would like to find out more.

NHSGo: This app helps young people access accurate and up-to-date information on physical and mental health and wellbeing. You can direct your young patients to or download from Apple or Play store. You can contact HLP if you would like any cards, posters or leaflets to display in your surgery:

Child Death Overview Panels: e-CDOP will soon go live in London and may help primary care contribute more easily/securely to the review of child deaths. HLP is happy to provide more information about this and the new CDOP guidance, due out in April, and what it means for GPs:

Working with pharmacy: HLP is supporting a project for community pharmacists to partner with GP surgeries to carry out inhaler reviews for CYP with asthma. Get in touch if are interested in exploring this in your area:

Group consultations: HLP has been supporting a pilot of group consultations aimed at CYP. One of the 10 high-impact actions, group consultations may potentially benefits patients and help you save on time and reduce your use of resources. Get in touch with HLP if you would like to find out more:

Last updated : 16 Feb 2018


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