Free practice manager conference - Thursday 22 November 2018

Our next free to attend practice manager's conference will take place on Thursday 22 November 2018 at Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HQ.

The packed programme so far includes topics such as working at scale, digital health, patient engagement, data protection, building your team and a CQC update.

This is going to be a very popular event so if you would like to express an interest in reserving a free space please email

The current running order for the day is as follows. The workshop titles may change slightly, but the content is confirmed. Speakers will be added to the vacant slots as we confirm them.






Registration and refreshments



Welcome and Introductions

Chair, Kathryn Yates, Director of General Practice Nursing, Londonwide LMCs


Setting the scene

Dr Michelle Drage, Chief Executive, Londonwide LMCs


Working at Scale

Dr Jay Verma


Digital Health – Online Services in Primary Care

Jennie Smith & Jana Dale, Primary Care Digital Transformation, NHS England


Tea/coffee break & visit sponsors



Patient Engagement

Minal Amin, NHS England


Data Protection Update

Nic Kirwan-Williams, Head of Business Resources, Londonwide LMCs


Lunch break & visit sponsors



Panel Q & A

Building your team: all you wanted to know about employing/working with Allied Health Professionals



Steve Cowland (Paramedic)

Dr Graham Stretch FRPharmS, Pharmacist

Ravi Sharma, National Clinical Lead (Clinical Pharmacy & Genomics), NHS England


Tea/coffee break & visit sponsors




Vicky Ferlia, Director GP Support, Londonwide LMCs





Closing remarks and evaluation






Last updated : 14 Sep 2018


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