Ipsos Mori interim report on the independent evaluation of Babylon GP at Hand

The interim report of Ipsos Mori’s independent evaluation of Babylon GP at Hand mostly covers the methodology and data sources which the evaluation will use. It does not provide any indication of potential findings or conclusions.

The report outlines high level objectives as answering these questions:

  • What is the impact of Babylon GP at Hand on registered patients?
  • What is the impact of Babylon GP at Hand on the wider health system?
  • What is the impact of Babylon GP at Hand on the workforce?

The evaluation team will send an online survey via text to all registered Babylon GP at Hand patients over the age of 16. Some of those who are current patients and respond to the survey will be invited to take part in qualitative interviews as well. The evaluation will rely on the same contact method to identify and contact patients who may have de-registered from Babylon GP at Hand but continue to be on their system , in order to have a sample of patients who have left GP at Hand.

The evaluation team has already conducted two half-day visits, one to Babylon GP at Hand’s clinic based in the BUPA health centre at King’s Cross, and another to the ‘GP Hub’ which provides online appointments. Both visits were by prior arrangement and involved interviewing GPs, patients and a nurse.

In order to compare Babylon GP at Hand to other online models, the evaluation team are speaking to NHS England about which other providers of online consulting services would be best to approach.

In the new year Ipsos Mori will be conducting a series of qualitative interviews with provider organisations and others to gather evidence and views about the impact of Babylon GP at Hand, and Londonwide LMCs will continue to liaise with them to ensure the range of London general practice’s views are heard.

The final report is due to be delivered to Hammersmith and Fulham CCG in March 2-19 and will not contain a definitive conclusion on whether GP at Hand is cost effective, nor will it evaluate the safety of Babylon GP at Hand’s ‘AI’ symptom sorting tool.

The full report can be read here.

Last updated : 19 Dec 2018


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