Help needed to plan for current and future demands of general practice

We have important work planned for the next three months that we need your help with. If you work in London general practice in an area represented by Londonwide LMCs, please complete this survey and share your thoughts on current working practices. We are also grateful for the offers of help with our pending research project which will look at the ongoing and future need and role for general practice.

We will be conducting research exploring the views of staff and patients on the core values of general practice, and the practice of general practice both now, and in the future. The potential impact of fast-tracking service change models during the pandemic and the pace of change in the primary/ secondary care interface make this an important and timely piece of work, and the project will run for three months, through August, September and October – reporting in November.

Through in-depth interviews and polling of GPs and patients, as well as patient round tables, we will try and crystalise what changes would support the provision and receipt of primary health care at a local level as viewed by providers and patients, in order to inform and influence decision makers and commissioners.

If you would be willing to participate in a half hour in-depth interview with independent researchers at some stage of the project, please email. All comments and references will be anonymous.

Last updated : 23 Jul 2020


Pre-election period 2019 (19 Nov 2019)

What is “Purdah”? ‘Purdah’ or ‘the pre-election period’ refers to the weeks preceding a general election when specific restrictions apply principally around the activity of those working in central and...
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Hospitals discharging patients after missed appointments (19 Nov 2019)

Recent media reports have revealed large numbers of patients being discharged form hospital after a missed appointment, contrary to the NHS Standard Contract.  We all know that general practice...
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CNSGP – What is in, what is out and who do I approach for help? (19 Nov 2019)

The Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice (CNSGP) was introduced on 1 April 2019 and provides comprehensive indemnity for clinical negligence liabilities arising in NHS general practice in relation...
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Conference of England LMCs - 22 November 2019 (15 Nov 2019)

The Conference of England LMCs is on Friday 22 November. A full list of motions to be debated can be read here. Three motions are being proposed by LMCs...
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Registering for Central Alerting System (CAS) alerts (31 Oct 2019)

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Central Alerting System (CAS) is the national system for issuing patient safety alerts, important public health messages and other safety critical...
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Brexit update - October 2019 (23 Oct 2019)

On 8 October Matt Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, released a statement on his department’s preparations for a ‘no-deal’ exit from the European Union....
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Physician – look after yourself (23 Oct 2019)

Following World Mental Health day earlier this month, Dr Richard Stacey from our GP support team looks at how clinicians can take better care of their own mental health. 10...
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Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form (DMHEF) (23 Oct 2019)

It will now be a contractual requirement for GPs to complete a Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form (DMHEF), for patients who have a mental health condition. GPs in England...
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Tips of the month October 2019 (22 Oct 2019)

We provide weekly tips based on common queries which come through to us from London GPs and practice teams. These are shared via social media and collated for...
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