Cluster contact details

North East London


Head of Practitioner Performance & Revalidation Medical Directorate

Named contacts  

Key Responsibilities

Responsible Officer Dr Henrietta Hughes

Barking & Dagenham

Trish Galloway

Anna Owen (case manager)

  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for inclusion on Medical, Dental & Optometrist Performers list
  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for the management of the Appraisal of Medical Practitioners
  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for the management of the Revalidation of Medical Practitioners
  • To provide the lead for investigation into Performer Investigations covering all Healthcare Professionals
  • To provide where required clinical advise in response to Patient complaints
  • To maintain effective and efficient responses to GMC, GDC, GOC & GPC enquiries
  • To lead the Decision Making Groups for the Area team ensuring robust governance arrangements, any decisions made are fair, evidence based and proportionate 
  • To act as main contact point for Primary Care related enquiries from NCAS, CQC, NHS Litigation Authority, Business Services Authorities, FHSA (within the London Region) NHS CB head office



Jacky Smith

Sue Thomas

Waltham Forest


Tower Hamlets

Sally Driscoll

Sylvia Kramer


City & Hackney









How to contact the team:

The best method of communication is via email and there are three generic email addresses (these will replace existing generic email addresses but emails already sent will be forwarded to these boxes automatically.)  You should always include your practice identification code and the CCG you are attached to in the subject title of any emails so that new members of the team can identify the source of the email.

1. For Appraisals
2. For Complaints/incidents/Concerns
3. For Performers Lists


Telephone number that you should call if your query cannot be dealt with by email is  020 7932 3100


North West London


Head of Practitioner Performance & Revalidation Medical Directorate

Named Contacts

Key Responsibilities

Responsible officer Dr David Finch


Edward Ward


Mushtaq Jarral (case manager)

  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for inclusion on Medical, Dental & Optometrist Performers list
  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for the management of the Appraisal of Medical Practitioners
  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for the management of the Revalidation of Medical Practitioners
  • To provide the lead for investigation into Performer Investigations covering all Healthcare Professionals
  • To provide where required clinical advise in response to Patient complaints
  • To maintain effective and efficient responses to GMC, GDC, GOC & GPC enquiries
  • To lead the Decision Making Groups for the Area team ensuring robust governance arrangements, any decisions made are fair, evidence based and proportionate 
  • To act as main contact point for Primary Care related enquiries from NCAS, CQC, NHS Litigation Authority, Business Services Authorities, FHSA (within the London Region) NHS CB head office



Rita Altana




Helen Nicolson

Janet Fitton

Hammersmith & Fulham

West London Commissioning



Great West Commissioning Consortium


How to contact the team:

The best method of communication is via email and there are three generic email addresses (these will replace existing generic email addresses but emails already sent will be forwarded to these boxes automatically.)  You should always include your practice identification code and the CCG you are attached to in the subject title of any emails so that new members of the team can identify the source of the email.

1. For Appraisals
2. For Complaints/incidents/Concerns 
3. For Performers Lists


Telephone number that you should call if your query cannot be dealt with by email is 020 7932 3100


South London


Head of Practitioner Performance & Revalidation Medical Directorate

Named Contacts

Key Responsibilities

Responsible Officer Dr Jane Fryer


Graham Boullier


Tony Joyce (case manager)

  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for inclusion on Medical, Dental & Optometrist Performers list
  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for the management of the Appraisal of Medical Practitioners
  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for the management of the Revalidation of Medical Practitioners
  • To provide the lead for investigation into Performer Investigations covering all Healthcare Professionals
  • To provide where required clinical advise in response to Patient complaints
  • To maintain effective and efficient responses to GMC, GDC, GOC & GPC enquiries
  • To lead the Decision Making Groups for the Area team ensuring robust governance arrangements, any decisions made are fair, evidence based and proportionate 
  • To act as main contact point for Primary Care related enquiries from NCAS, CQC, NHS Litigation Authority, Business Services Authorities, FHSA (within the London Region) NHS CB head office



Cherilyn Yeates

Maxine Hastings




Rose Achieng

Nina Nelson











How to contact the team:

The best method of communication is via email and there are three  generic email addresses (these will replace existing generic email addresses but emails already sent will be forwarded to these boxes automatically.)  You should always include your practice identification code  and the CCG you are attached to  in the subject title of any emails so that new members of the team can identify the source of the email.

1. For Appraisals
2. For Complaints/incidents/Concerns
3. For Performers Lists


Telephone number that you should call if your query cannot be dealt with by email is 020 7932 3100


Area Team Medical Director Contact Details 

Medical Director

Area Team Lead

Contact Email

Direct Telephone Line

Key Responsibilities




Dr Henrietta Hughes

(North East)





Dr David Finch

(North West)





Dr Jane Fryer (South)










 0207 932 9066






0207 932 3138






 0207 932 3862


  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for inclusion on Medical, Dental & Optometrist Performers list
  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for the management of the Appraisal of Medical Practitioners
  • Accountable Responsible Officer role for the management of the Revalidation of Medical Practitioners
  • To provide the lead for investigation into Performer Investigations covering all Healthcare Professionals
  • To provide where required clinical advise in response to Patient complaints
  • To maintain effective and efficient responses to GMC, GDC, GOC & GPC enquiries
  • To lead the Decision Making Groups for the Area team ensuring robust governance arrangements, any decisions made are fair, evidence based and proportionate 
  • To act as main contact point for Primary Care related enquiries from NCAS, CQC, NHS Litigation Authority, Business Services Authorities, FHSA (within the London Region) NHS CB head office



Last updated : 15 Apr 2013


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Pre-election period 2019 (19 Nov 2019)

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Physician – look after yourself (23 Oct 2019)

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Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form (DMHEF) (23 Oct 2019)

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