UK LMC Conference 2018 round-up

This year's LMC Conference saw debate on a range of issues of concern to London GPs: from Bawa-Garbar and the use of written reflections, to mass resignations, workload management, and GP at Hand.

The national LMC Conference is the mechanism whereby LMCs representing grassroot GPs aim to set the direction for the GPC and BMA for the coming year, considering, debating and voting on LMC motions from across the UK.

Delegates debated the workload crises facing general practice throughout the UK and speakers from NI, Scotland and Wales gave updates on negotiations and action being taken in their respective nations. 

A number of trainees and sessionals spoke from the platform, debating the sustainability of the independent contractor model and the need for more inclusivity on LMCs and the GPC.

Conference was united in expressing frustration at the ineffectiveness of GPFV negotiations, and in regulators moving from the reasonableness of the peer-led Bolam test to apply unreasonable expectations.

And whilst there was broad agreement that the GP at Hand model was damaging to the classic model of general practice, including a contribution from Dr Simon Parton, Chair of Lewisham LMC, there were some voices in favour of the flexibility it offers to both clinicians and patients.

A full list of motions and which were passed is available here.


Last updated : 18 Apr 2018


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