Inclusivity and diversity in general practice

The disproportionate mortality rate from coronavirus in Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities, as reported by Public Health England, alongside international events and awareness protests, have seen a growing and wide-ranging public discussion about racial equality in recent months. Londonwide LMCs has a strong track record of promoting equality and diversity, but there is always more that we can do and we will continue to look for new ways to be more inclusive and representative of the whole London general practice community.

Londonwide LMCs’ diversity position statement

We shared our diversity position statement at the end of June. The statement was produced jointly by Londonwide LMC’s staff team and Dr Dami Adedayo, Board Treasurer. 

RCGP diversity campaign

At the start of July Dr Naureen Bhatti wrote to the RCGP calling for them to take greater steps to increase BAME representation at senior levels within the organisation. This was in part prompted by controversy around an RCGP event with a title which referred to coronavirus as a lifestyle disease.

The text of Dr Bhatti’s open letter can be viewed here and a response from Professor Martin Marshall, Chair of the RCGP, was included in this Pulse article. Dr Bhatti is a fellow of the RCGP and also vice-chair of Tower Hamlets LMC and Board Member of Londonwide LMCs, although the open letter was not written in either capacity. 

NHS anniversary

Sunday 5 July saw the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the NHS, which was more of a reflection than a celebration this year, as London general practice continues to work at full-stretch amid the coronavirus pandemic. We spoke to three London GPs about their experiences and shared parts of these conversations as video clips on social media.

Pride month

June was Pride month, which would have culminated with the annual march through central London on 27 June. With the march cancelled because of the pandemic, we joined other organisations in celebrating NHS Virtual Pride on 26 June.

Last updated : 22 Jul 2020


Trusts asking practices to identify overseas patients when referring (18 Sep 2019)

We are aware some practices are receiving messages from hospital trusts asking for assistance in identifying overseas patients at the point of referral. We would like to...
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New courses: owning your practice premises and cervical sample takers training (18 Sep 2019)

Following feedback from practices on their training needs, we are pleased to be able to offer two new training opportunities. Owning your practice premises: the essentials Running for the first...
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Comments sought on CQC for parliamentary evidence session (18 Sep 2019)

The Parliamentary Health and Social Care Committee are planning to hold an evidence session with the Chair, Chief Executive and Chief Inspectors of the Care Quality Commission to discuss its...
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Government ‘no-deal’ EU exit planning - September 2019 update (18 Sep 2019)

On 10 September the Government published part of its ‘no-deal’ Brexit planning documentation, including a section on drugs supplies which says: “The reliance of medicines and medical products' supply...
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Sharing patient records with the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) (18 Sep 2019)

The General Practitioners Committee (GPC) has now concluded a review of the management and use of patient data by the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). The GPC are content that...
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Tips of the month September 2019 (17 Sep 2019)

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Organising your flu campaign for 2019 (13 Sep 2019)

Jacqui Perfect, an experienced practice manager and member of our GP Support team, shares her top tips for the flu vaccination season. It’s that time of year again when the...
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'No Deal' EU exit impact survey - your views required (05 Sep 2019)

We are keen to understand how leaving the EU without any transitional arrangements could impact on practices' supplies of medicines, products and staff. Please take a few moments to
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Data sharing agreement checklist and guidance for practices (21 Aug 2019)

Londonwide LMCS is aware of the increasing complexity and number of information and data sharing agreements (DSAs) and documents which practices are receiving to review and sign. To support practices,...
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