Owning your practice premises - the essentials, February 2022

  • Thursday 24 February 2022: 1.30pm to 4.30pm
  • £95 per delegate for Londonwide practices
  • £120 per delegate for practices from other areas

This workshop is ideal for practices whose partners (or former partners) own or co-own their premises – or for partners hoping to “buy in”. This workshop is aimed at GPs primarily, but some practices may choose to send their practice managers. Attendees should expect to leave the workshop having a good understanding of:

  • Equity and partnership issues for GPs who own (wholly or partially) their own buildings.
  • The implications of having ex-partners or some (but not all) partners as landlords.
  • Buying into the premises as a new partner.
  • Buying out departing or retiring partners – financing, valuation and tax issues.
  • Lease arrangements between owner partners and the practice, including rent reviews and repair responsibilities.
  • Update on NHS grant funding for premises improvements.
  • Ensuring your partnership agreement accurately reflects your premises ownership.
  • Selling your practice premises, including mortgage redemption and the implications of the changes to the planning use classes (class D1 to E).
  • Sale and lease-back options in the event of financial difficulties, partnership breakdown/dissolution, contract termination etc.

Please book by completing this form and emailing it to karen.cooper@lmc.org.uk.

Last updated : 03 Feb 2022


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