Wellbeing webinars - spring 2022

The webinars aim to support the emotional and psychological health of staff by supporting you in finding your own strategies, tools, and coping mechanisms. These 40-minute interactive webinars are packed with take-home applications. Each webinar is followed by a 20-minute Q&A/discussion session.

The webinars are led by Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee who is a GP, medical educator and facilitator and a mental fitness and wellbeing coach.

To book please email LEAD@lmc.org.uk with details of which webinar(s) you would like to attend. They can be booked as a course of six or individually, depending on preference. The webinars are free to attend for GPs and practice staff working in the Londonwide LMCs area.



What is covered

You will walk away with …

1 Sleep with serenity

16 March 2022

Time: 7:30pm


To offer support to develop a supportive sleep routine.

The importance of sleep

Stages of sleep

Sleep disrupters

Sleep deprivation

Benefits of good sleep

An understanding of specific, evidence-based strategies for developing healthy routines to optimise and regulate sleep patterns.

2 Burnout/compassion fatigue

27 April 2022

Time: 7:30pm


To understand, recognise and prevent burnout.

What is burnout?

How can you recognise burnout?

Preventing burnout

An understanding of specific, evidence-based strategies that support burnout prevention.

3 Meaning, values & purpose

11 May 2022

Time: 1930 

What is it to have meaning? How does this support your purpose and values.

What is your purpose?

What are your values?

Create your meaning

An understanding of specific, evidence-based strategies to support the cultivation of meaning, purpose, and values.

4 Self-Compassion and Reflective Practice

25 May 2022

Time: 7:30pm 

How we can successfully form healthy habits and why this is important for our wellbeing.

Forming habits

Neurobiology of forming habits

Helpful habits that can transform your life

An understanding of specific, evidence-based skills, strategies, and exercises to support the development of healthy habit formation which can positively transform your life.

5 Emotional regulation

08 June 2022

Time: 7:30pm 

What is emotional regulation and how can cultivating this support our wellbeing?

What is emotional regulation?

Cultivating emotional regulation

Benefits of emotional regulation

An understanding of specific, evidence-based skills, strategies, and exercises to develop positive emotional regulation.

6 Positive thinking and toxic positivity

21 June 2022

Time: 7:30pm 

The difference between positive thinking and toxic positivity and how to cultivate healthy narratives

What is positive thinkingThe benefits of positive thinking

What is toxic positivity

The dangers of toxic positivity

How to strike a healthy balance

An understanding of specific, evidence-based skills, strategies, and exercises to develop a healthy positive thinking and outlook.

Last updated : 30 Mar 2022


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