M Word - Special Edition - GP Resilience - Take Control campaign launched

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Dear Colleagues. 

Building GP Resilience – Take Control 

I hope you are well, and I really hope you will be able to make time to read through the whole of this special edition M Word, and use the patient facing posters, practice facing GP Resilience guides that are available on our dedicated website www.gpresilience.org.uk.

Give us your feedback and use our support services via gpresilience@lmc.org.uk.

I urge you to involve your practice and your patients with the materials we supply. Please contribute your views and ideas back to us by either emailing gpresilience@lmc.org.uk or by visiting our campaign website www.gpresilience.org.uk.

Best wishes.

michelle sig

Dr Michelle Drage FRCGP
Chief Executive, Londonide LMCs


GP Resilience - Take Control

"More than 1/4 million patients will be seen by you and the rest of General Practice in the capital today." 

“More than 90% of NHS contacts are in General Practice. Not hospitals. Not A&E.”

We used to take immense pride in facts like these, but it is now just so hard when we know that so many factors are getting in the way of providing the care and time we would wish for our patients and for ourselves. Getting in the way of us doing the job we are trained to do. 

  • The ever-increasing demand for our services from all directions putting pressure at our ‘front doors’.

  • The systematic financial hits on practices along with the lack of funds to increase our workforce all putting overwhelming strain on our practice systems and teams.

  • Bureaucracy – both non-clinical and clinical, taking essential clinical and non-clinical staff time away from our purpose - providing care for the patient in front of us.

  • Hospital systems and other behaviours creating workload for us and inconvenience for patients.

  • Lack of adequate support services in the community - direct access to the fullest range of diagnostics and speedy results, phlebotomy, district nurses, health visitors, mental health workers, social services - causing an outflow stenosis, if not a blockage, in the routes to the care we know our patients need, resulting in backflow in our surgeries.

Think of the practice as a prostate – a strange analogy for some perhaps. All the above contribute to serious inflow and outflow obstruction squeezing the time we can make available for consultations with individual patients, the time we can make for our practices, ourselves and our families. In essence they all add up to serious exhaustion for us with the inevitable systems and morale and confidence crashes we and our patients are all experiencing daily. 

As one of our LMC Chairs recently told me: “We have CQC, GMC, QOF, QIPP, KPIs, LESs, DESs and ESs, CMC and EOLC, contracts with NHSE, CCGs, PHs in the LA, data-sharing agreements, protocols, care-pathways, referral forms, algorithms, guidelines, standards, specifications, each pertaining to each, individual partner with whom we work, be that hospitals, hospices, social services, community services and any other “interested” party. And not a single one of these directly delivers time for the patient ‘in front of us’! ”

Well, it is now time for each of us to actively TAKE CONTROL of our work and our lives. It is time to rebuild our confidence and our resilience so that we can secure a future for our practices to do the job we as professionals are trained to do, and which all the evidence shows, is what the patients ‘in front of us’ want.

We need to understand that in this real world of a politically controlled NHS and extreme government financial squeezes, nobody else is going to do it for us.

So as individual providers and performers of General Practice, we must now each play our own part to create 'facts on the ground' in our own practices.

To support you in this, we are today launching our GP RESILIENCE – TAKE CONTROL campaign with its twin elements: 

  1. Patient-facing material - linking GP Access to NHS Red Tape.

    We want our patients to know and understand what prevents you from spending more time with them so we have produced a number of posters in this pack for you to use in your practice waiting room. Please do let your patients see these by placing them in prominent places. We are happy to supply more should you need them. Contact GPResilience@lmc.org.uk if you would like more posters for your surgery. 

  2. Practice–facing material - GP Resilience Guides.

    These are to help you and your teams Take Control of what you can do something about at practice level. These guides cover key areas such as finance, performance, bullying and intimidation, federations and protecting your practice interests, to name a few. They will build your resilience and confidence over the coming weeks and months. A printed example of these guides is included in today’s pack. More GP Resilience guides will be released over the coming months.


To help you keep this all in one place we have also launched a website purely dedicated to this campaign.

On the website you will find all of our ‘Securing the Future of General Practice’ guides and links to our GP Resilience Guides and patient-facing posters and materials as they are released.

This campaign will be interactive – we want to know what else you need which both reflects your situation, but crucially and especially at this time, builds lasting support from your own practice patients.

Please tell all your practice team members about this campaign, and direct them to our dedicated website www.gpresilience.org.uk which can also be accessed via our main website www.lmc.org.uk. Please also help us keep up to date with all GPs’, Nurses and Manager’s email and other contact details by letting us know of any changes by emailing gpresilience@lmc.org.uk.

Another key part of this campaign will be our “Survive to Thrive” conference, open to all GPs, Nurses and Practice Managers in central London on Thursday 5 February 2015. Please put this date in your diary as the event will be essential for you to attend. More information will be available shortly.

Earlier in this message I said that as far as building GP Resilience and Taking Control is concerned, nobody is going to do it for us. It is time for us all to play our part, to rebuild our own confidence and to re-empower ourselves at individual and practice level. We are not commissioners – we are providers of expert general practice to our registered list of patients.

We owe it to them and to ourselves to TAKE CONTROL of our professional and working lives, and we will do it.

Won’t we.....

My team and I at Londonwide LMCs are here to support you throughout these difficult times so please keep in touch. If you have any concerns, thoughts or ideas please let us know by either emailing gpresilience@lmc.org.uk or visiting our campaign website www.gpresilience.org.uk.

Last updated : 14 Nov 2014


Mword Issue 64 - Dr Michelle Drage's latest update for GPs and practice teams (12 Jun 2020)

This page was updated on 12.06.2020 to clarify that TFL guidance does not currenly include exemptions to wearing face masks, but Department for Transport guidance does.
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