Preparing for your CQC presentation

This month we are launching our CQC presentation guide, which explains how to prepare for the 30 minute presentation which is part of every practice inspection. Dami Akanbi from our GP support team sums up some of the key points from the guide.

Your CQC presentation should focus on their five key lines of enquiry and demonstrate that it meets the requirements of each. 30 minutes is a short period of time and you need to ensure you cover all five, if you cover three or four very well, but fail to cover the others you will still fare badly in the assessment of the presentation. The lines of enquiry are:

  • Are you safe? Patients are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.
  • Are you effective? Patients’ care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, helps them to maintain quality of life and is based on the best available evidence.
  • Are you caring? Staff involve and treat patients with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
  • Are you responsive to people's needs? Services are organised so that they meet the needs of patients.
  • Are you well-led? The leadership, management and governance of the practice make sure it's providing high-quality care that's based around the individual needs of the patient, that it encourages learning and innovation and that it promotes an open and fair culture.

Preparing the presentation

  • Pick someone to lead the presentation and ideally have other staff and patient participation group members contribute. Their involvement will provide evidence that your practice values the input of people working in all roles and of patients.
  • Refer to data to evidence that your practice is high quality, safe and provides a good patient experience. Where there no data is available use anonymised examples, with dates, actions and outcomes.
  • Identify challenges and explain how you addressed them.
  • Identify your patient groups: working-age, families, elderly, multiple long-term conditions, etc and detail what you’re doing to ensure your practice is responsive to their needs, safe, effective, caring and well-led (our guide provides example matrixes to help you do this).

Overall stay focussed on what the CQC is measuring, make sure you cover each area and provide strong evidence. When preparing your presentation you should be able to tick-off which areas each slide/section covers, if it’s repeating something covered elsewhere then maybe that time and space is better used to cover a different topic. Your presentation will be stopped after exactly 30 minutes.

You may actually wish to run through your whole presentation with a colleague and time how long it takes. It’s good to practice talking through your presentation and timing it will give an accurate measure of how long it actually is, it’s very common to think you can cover each slide in two or three minutes, only to find out that they take a lot longer in practice.

Download our CQC Visit Presentation Guide.

Last updated : 08 Aug 2018


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