NWL LMC Update January 2022



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Amendment – West London only income protection arrangements for enhanced services Q2 2021/22

This is a reminder that NWL CCG have agreed to make top up payments for Quarter 2 21/22 where practices can demonstrate a loss of income compared with the same period in 19/20. To assist, please consult an LMC-suggested spreadsheet that you can use to submit your claim to your Borough team, contact details and a possible template below.

Please note West London practices have a dedicated finance email address below.

Please note that these arrangements are only for those local services under the CCG and borough control. Queries can be sent to Lesley.williams@lmc.org.uk.


Borough TeamBorough DirectorFinancial Lead
Brent Fana Hussain:
Daniel Gibbs:
Teermala Ramgoolam:
Lakshmi Raja-Rayan:
Central Joe Nguyen:
Ealing Neha Unadkat:
Chris Jack:
James Baldwinson:
Hammersmith and Fulham Sue Roostan:
Mark Day:
Matthew Mead:
Harrow Isha Coombes:
Hillingdon Sean Bidewell:
Richard Ellis:
Anjumara Hussain :
Hounslow Martin Waddington:
Ellie Tobin:
West Simon Hope:

Practice Letterhead


To: [insert Borough finance email]

Date [insert date]

RE: Locally Commissioned Enhanced Services (LCS) – Quarter 2 2021/22

Javina Sehgal wrote to all NWL practices on 16 July 2021 to confirm that for Quarter 2 2021-22, the NWL CCG would make additional top-up payments for practices who require it to bring income into line with 2019-20 levels. Practices were asked to make a reconciliation at the end of Quarter 2 and send any identified shortfall to the finance borough lead to make the payment.

I carried out a reconciliation at the end of Quarter 2 and identified a short fall for the practice as attached.

I look forward to receiving the outstanding payment.

Yours sincerely

Kind regards,
[insert signature of Practice Manager]
Print name [insert printed name of Practice Manager]
Practice Manager
XXX Practice [insert name of Practice]



Last updated : 01 Feb 2022


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