New guide to the Covid Vaccination Enhanced Service (ES)

New guidance for London practices and PCNs on the Covid Vaccination Enhanced Service (ES) is now available on our new purpose-built microsite.

As new information is made available we will update our guidance, and we will continue to escalate queries from practices at a local and national level. Please get in touch via if there are issues you would like us to raise which are not already covered in our guidance.

Thank you to those practices who responded to our recent ‘temperature check’ survey. We appreciate that circumstances have been changing rapidly, and the information was very useful. As of Monday we had nearly five hundred responses covering two main questions:

Is it your current intention to sign-up to the Covid vaccination DES, now to be an NHS ES?

  • Yes - 231 (48%)
  • No - 49 (10%)
  • Undecided - 202 (42%)

Do you need any support with making your decision?

  • Yes - 256 (53%)
  • No - 226 (47%)

Dr Michelle Drage, Londonwide LMCs’ CEO, has issued the following statement regarding the Coronavirus vaccination programme:

“Any vaccination programme has to be designed and delivered safely, with both practitioners and patients at the centre, if it is to work effectively. We will continue to push for a practitioner and patient centred approach, not only is it in the best interests of practice stability mid-pandemic, but practices’ local knowledge and understanding of these vulnerable cohorts is vital in ensuring they get the vaccine.”

Our new Covid Vaccination Enhanced Service (ES) guidance will be updated regularly and is available online. You can also download a PDF copy here.

Last updated : 04 Dec 2020


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