Covid-19 Vaccination Programme (CVP) - sharing the learning

Londonwide LMCs represents and supports GPs and their practice teams across 27 of London’s boroughs. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic we have been supporting our constituents in a number of ways from the publication of a Living Guide through to the launch of a website exclusively providing guidance on the Covid-19 vaccination ES.

We know that there is significant pressure on general practice to participate in the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme (CVP). We feel that it is important to give practices and practitioners across London a forum where they can share learning (good and bad) and get help in delivering the CVP. To that end, we have created a forum on MS Teams for you to share your learning/experiences with others involved in delivering the CVP. To help find the relevant areas we have divided the information into the following topics:

  1. Site setup and equipment
  2. Vaccine delivery
  3. Patient booking
  4. Consent process
  5. Staffing the centre
  6. Patient flows
  7. Aftercare
  8. Other

To join the CVP Teams forum please click on this link. The link will open an email which you just need to send.

We hope that this will be a useful forum but in order to enable rapid sharing of experiences there are a few conditions that you need to be aware of:

  • This forum is being created to assist London general practice staff involved in the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme. Information shared is not to be shared beyond the group without express permission of the poster and Londonwide LMCs.
  • The Teams channels will be private meaning that only participants in the channel can see details of other members. Any details should not be shared more widely.
  • Londonwide LMCs will manage the channels and will not share your details with any additional parties.
  • All participants should ensure that dialogue and engagement is respectful and non-personalised. Participants are reminded that personal defamatory comments are not permitted.
  • Londonwide LMCs will share anonymised feedback and learning with commissioners to improve future vaccination programme design commissioning, and delivery.
  • Londonwide LMCs will sporadically check that individuals signed up to the forum are members of London general practice staff.
  • Anyone found to be in breach of Londonwide LMCs guidance on forum usage will be contacted and may be removed from the group if deemed to be in breach.

We hope that you find this opportunity to help you share information and experience useful.

Last updated : 18 Feb 2021


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