Infection Control Update - Tuesday 13 October 2015


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The aim of this course is to provide information that will ensure, as far as is reasonably possible, an infection free zone for staff and patients.

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
    • Understand the importance of infection control measures in the work place

    • Understand the essentials of maintaining a clean and safe working environment

    • Explain and demonstrate effective hand washing techniques


Tuesday 13 October 2015


1:00pm - 5:00pm


Londonwide LMCs, Tavistock House South, Entrance D, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9LG


£85 (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices

£100 (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas

Reserve your place today by either booking online

or filling out the booking form.

The booking form is on the third page.

Target Audience

Practice Managers, Practice Nurses, HCAs, Receptionists, Administration Staff

(Please note this is generic infection control training aimed at clinical and non-clinical staff within GP practice)



A combination of presentations and discussion.


Hilary Andrews RGN BSc (Hons)

After working in adult intensive care for the majority of her nursing career including a spell as Clinical Educator for ITU, Hilary diversified into primary care in 2002, project managing both clinical and management projects for various general practice partnerships. She was a key contributor to the NHS Working in Partnership Programme’s HCA Initiative between 2005 and 2008. Hilary now undertakes freelance teaching and research, has spoken at conferences for Health Care Assistants and also acts as a nurse advisor in primary care drawing on her years of experience in clinical, managerial, educational and advisory nursing roles.

Book your place today by either booking online

or filling out the booking form.

The booking form is on the third page.

Last updated : 23 Sep 2015