13 November 2020
Dear Colleague
Taking your temperature - Let me just get another reading.
The vaccines being proposed have very specific requirements and GPs and public health experts need to be thoroughly supported to deliver them. With new information coming out by the hour, it is essential that GPs and practice teams are updated in real time so that they can make an informed decision about their role in the programme. In fact, since as recently as last night it has been announced that the programme will not be contracted as a DES, but an "NHS Enhanced Service" to allow "more local flexibility". To the best of my present understanding this does not materially change the service funding models, but we are awaiting confirmation from NHSEI and the BMA on this.
Meanwhile, thank you to those of you who have so far responded to the Temperature Check Survey Monkey in Wednesday’s MWord 71, which is polling GPs, PCN Clinical Directors and practice staff on their intentions to deliver the proposed Covid-vaccination DES, now to be an NHS ES. So far, the temperature reads over 55% need more support to make a final decision on whether they can sign up to the NHS ES. I would like to thank the 300+ people who have responded so far and encourage anyone who hasn’t yet shared their views to do so, it only takes 2-3 minutes.
This information, combined with feedback via other channels, is what we use in raising your concerns at a local and national level. We’re also receiving national, local and specialist media interest in the vaccination programme and are giving voice to what we’re hearing on the ground.
Any vaccination programme has to be designed and delivered safely, with both practitioners and patients at the centre, if it is to work effectively. We will continue to push for a practitioner and patient centred approach, not only is it in the best interests of practice stability mid-pandemic, but practices’ local knowledge and understanding of these vulnerable cohorts is vital in ensuring they get the vaccine.
As ever I welcome your feedback at mword@lmc.org.uk. Please know that my team of experts and leaders here at Londonwide LMCs will always be by your side.
Keep well. Stay safe.
With best wishes 
Dr Michelle Drage MBBS FRCGP CEO, Londonwide LMCs