Avoiding Unplanned Admissions update

Submitting data for the Avoiding Unplanned Admissions Directed Enhanced Service (DES)

The following information has been recieved from NHS England.

CQRS (Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS)) has informed NHS England that for practices with clinical system TPP (system 1) and EMIS the planned re-extraction of Avoiding Unplanned Admission (AUA) Component 2 for financial year 2015/16 is complete. Practices should check their practice achievement on CQRS, if it is showing the correct data, then the practice needs to declare their achievement.

If the achievement is still not correct on CQRS for Component 2, practices with clinical systems TPP (system1), EMIS and Vision will need to send NHS England a screen shot of their clinical system showing the number of patients on the AUA register as of 30 September 2015 and the number of patients departed as of 30 September 2015.

Those practices where the extraction has not taken place should enter their practice achievement for component 2 using this submission form and declare it. 

Review dates for the AUA register

Following a number of queries about how often the care plan for the Avoiding Unplanned Admissions (AUA) enhanced service needs to be reviewed, NHS Employers has published the following frequently asked question (FAQ):

How often does a care plan need to be reviewed for patients remaining on the AUA register from previous years?

Practices are expected to review a patient’s care plan at least once during 15/16. The service specification requires that a review is carried out within 12 months of the creation or last review of the care plan and the Business Rules are structured to look back 12 months, therefore the data collection at the end of September 2015 looked back to 1 October 2014 and for the March 2016 collection it will look back to 1 April 2015.

Practices should review care plans more often if appropriate to the patients, but care plans must be reviewed at least once in a rolling 12 month period in order to meet the criteria for payment.

All the AUA FAQs are available in the Enhanced Services FAQs section of NHS Employers’ website.

Last updated : 10 Dec 2015


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