Help needed to plan for current and future demands of general practice

We have important work planned for the next three months that we need your help with. If you work in London general practice in an area represented by Londonwide LMCs, please complete this survey and share your thoughts on current working practices. We are also grateful for the offers of help with our pending research project which will look at the ongoing and future need and role for general practice.

We will be conducting research exploring the views of staff and patients on the core values of general practice, and the practice of general practice both now, and in the future. The potential impact of fast-tracking service change models during the pandemic and the pace of change in the primary/ secondary care interface make this an important and timely piece of work, and the project will run for three months, through August, September and October – reporting in November.

Through in-depth interviews and polling of GPs and patients, as well as patient round tables, we will try and crystalise what changes would support the provision and receipt of primary health care at a local level as viewed by providers and patients, in order to inform and influence decision makers and commissioners.

If you would be willing to participate in a half hour in-depth interview with independent researchers at some stage of the project, please email. All comments and references will be anonymous.

Last updated : 23 Jul 2020


New guide to the Covid Vaccination Enhanced Service (ES) (25 Nov 2020)

New guidance for London practices and PCNs on the Covid Vaccination Enhanced Service (ES) is now available on our new purpose-built microsite. As new information is made available we will...
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Latest LMC workforce survey - please complete our short survey by Wednesday 9 December 2020 (24 Nov 2020)

Thank you in advance for making space in your busy day to complete our short survey on practice workforce issues. This will help us gather insight to share with key...
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Living Guide and Flu Guide updates November 2020 (24 Nov 2020)

Since mid-October when we sent out our last newsletter, our Living Guide has been updated a number of times which includes added information on long-term conditions. The following accompanying...
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Connecting sessional GPs and practices (24 Nov 2020)

During these difficult times we appreciate that a number of our sessional GPs working in London have found it difficult to find sessions, yet general practice is under extreme workload...
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Motions for Conference of England LMCs 2020 (20 Nov 2020)

The England Conference of LMCs will take place on Friday 27 November and is being held virtually for the first time. The full agenda is available to view here, motions...
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NHSmail for all GP roles (21 Oct 2020)

All GPs are eligible for an NHS email (‘NHSmail’) account, regardless of whether you are a partner, locum or salaried, and it has never been easier to get registered.   NHSmail accounts have...
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