Engaging Patients - Why you should and how you can - 4 November 2015 - places still available

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Engaging Patients





Why you should and how you can
Many practices still believe that forming a Patient Participation Group (PPG) is just a contractual hoop to jump through. This workshop aims to challenge this assumption and explores the benefits of patient engagement and the considerable impact of non-engagement.




4 November 2015

9:00am - 13:30pm

Please note:
The PM session originally advertised has been cancelled.
Londonwide LMCs,
Tavistock House South, Tavistock Square,

Practice Managers

CQC Registered Managers




Aims of the workshop
  • Explore the “Why” of patient engagement and show the benefits of patient engagement and the costs of non - engagement.
  • Demonstrate the “How” of patient engagement with practical tips and examples of how to establish a successful PPG, use the Friends and Family Test, encourage patient engagement online and generally how to promote an open and collaborative culture within your practice where patients become your allies.
  • Hear what patients have to say about your services and what they need from their practice.
  • Share examples of “best practice” in London and inspirational stories of the power of patient participation.




Book your place today
Book online
Booking form
 The cost (including VAT) is £85 for Londonwide practices
and £100 for practices in other areas.
Last updated : 30 Oct 2015