Londonwide LMCs advice on appraisal toolkit for GPs. - 27 January 2014

The GMC’s requirements for Revalidation mean that if you wish to keep your Licence to Practise you must take part in local mechanisms for appraisal run by your Responsible Officer at the London Regional Office of the NHS England (NCB). You will need to organise and...

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Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) - 27 January 2014

APMS is one of the four routes available for primary care organisations (PCOs) to make provision for primary medical services to patients. Its introduction has broadened the range of potential providers from whom PCOs can commission services. PCOs may commission APMS to provide essential services, additional services, including where GMS/PMS practices...

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Personal Medical Services (PMS) - 27 January 2014

These services are governed by the NHS PMS Agreement Regulations. The agreements are locally negotiated and have the ability to introduce local flexibilities not available under the GMS contract. Elements of PMS agreements are governed by the Statement of Financial Entitlements (SFE). PMS practices are able to provide enhanced...

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CQC registration - what you need to know - BMA guidance - 27 January 2014

This BMA guidance provides a straightforward explanation of the registration process, to help providers determine whether they are compliant with the CQC’s essential standards, and to explain what will happen once providers are registered.   CQC registration – what you need to know - Guidance for GPs (BMA...

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