August Newsletter

Londonwide LMCs Newsletter

August 2015 Newsletter

Changes to the Nursing Code and nurse revalidation


We have produced new guidance regarding changes to the Code and introduction of revalidation for nurses from April 2016. The guidance is for use by GP principles, practice managers and all nurses.

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Friends and Family Test submissions – breach notices for failure to submit

There has been a significant decline in London practices submitting their Friends and Family Test data in May and June. This needs to be submitted monthly, within 12 working days of the end of each month. Failure to do so three months in a row may result in a breach notice.
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Care Quality Commission inspections are changing

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will allocate an inspector to each Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area by October 2015. The inspector will carry out the majority of inspections in that area. Practices will still receive two weeks’ notice of their inspection.
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London Improvement Grant application process

The deadline for London Improvement Grant applications for those which do not require planning permission has been extended to Friday 28 August. The deadline for those which require planning permission remains Monday 28 September.

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The Commons Health Select Committee recently took evidence from Simon Stevens, CEO of NHS England and Islington MP Emily Thornberry cited findings from our recent workforce survey during her questioning. Londonwide LMCs will be submitting a response to the Committee’s new Inquiry into Primary Care.

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Speakers' Corner

As young people turn their attention to sun, sea, sand and a certain other pleasure, Dr Sebastian Kalwij gives his views on sexual health in general practice.
About Us

Guidance Updates

Updated PGD and PSD guidance
Vaccination and immunisation guidance
NHSE accessible information standards
Drug and alcohol bereavement guidelines
National Wheelchair Alliance – letter to GPs
Cervical Sample Taker Database (CTSD)
CQC updated registration forms
Men ACWY – Sign up guidance and Action Card for GPs

Londonwide Diary


18 FF&T July data submission deadline
28 London Improvement Grant application deadline


9 Practice manager update day
12 Reflective practice for GPs
15 Health Select Committee question Jeremy Hunt
28 London Improvement Grant application deadline (with planning permission)


7 Handling complaints
Also this month...  

GPs should not automatically provide medical records following insurer subject access requests


An Information Commissioner’s Office decision says handing over medical records wholesale following subject access requests (SARs) from insurers may be illegal, even with patient consent.

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GMS global sum calculation and data request for atypical population profiles


The BMA have produced a document that details how the global sum allocation (Carr-Hill formula) determines how much funding a GMS contract provides to a practice. This is following the changes to the GMS contract after the withdrawal of the Minimum Practice Income Guarantee (MPIG). The document may also be of use to those in the process of switching from PMS to GMS due to PMS reviews.

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Primary Care Workforce Commission report


The Primary Care Workforce Commission was led by Professor Martin Rowland. Their report ‘the future of primary care: creating teams for tomorrow’ was published on 22 July. There are 38 recommendations covering workforce, practice skills (pharmacists etc), federations, integrating care, technology, safety, end of life care, managing specific patient groups, and data.

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GP resilience app

image The app, based around our GP Resilience, Take Control campaign, includes resilience guides for you to read on the move as well as the latest news from Londonwide LMCs. The app is free to download. Simply visit the iTunes store, give it a go and let us know what you think by emailing The iPhone and iPad app is intended as a pilot, with other handset brands and operating systems to follow.


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Media round-up


Michelle spoke on camera to ITV News on Monday 10 August about EU citizens getting European Health Insurance cards in the UK and using them to bill the NHS for healthcare in their home countries. Michelle explained that a more comprehensive registration process should be administered by the NHS, rather than general practice.

Michelle spoke to Nursing in Practice and Management in Practice at the start of August, detailing the pressures facing the London general practice workforce as a whole and looking at how to better coordinate care to improve patient outcomes.

Got a story? Email us at
Deadline for next month's submissions is 12 June.
Have you downloaded your resources from our GP Resilience website?

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Last updated : 13 Aug 2015


End of Coronavirus Act death certification and registration changes (23 Mar 2022)

The arrangements for death certification and registration introduced by the Coronavirus Act (2020) expire on 24 March 2022. The relevant guidance can be found on the Government website, the key...
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Registered nursing associate blended learning programme launched (22 Mar 2022)

This blended learning programme has been developed by experienced primary care nurses and it is specifically designed for registered nursing associates (RNAs) new to working within the general practice setting....
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Briefing on GP Contract 2022/23 - message from Dr Michelle Drage (10 Mar 2022)

Thursday 10 March 2022 Dear Colleagues, Briefing on GP Contract 2022/23 As you will now be aware, despite lengthy negotiation no agreement was reached on changes to...
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Wellbeing webinars - spring 2022 (24 Feb 2022)

The webinars aim to support the emotional and psychological health of staff by supporting you in finding your own strategies, tools, and coping mechanisms. These 40-minute interactive webinars are packed...
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Tips of the month February 2022 (23 Feb 2022)

We provide tips based on common queries which come through to us from London GPs and practice teams. These are shared via social media and collated for this...
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How do treatment delays impact patients and general practice? (23 Feb 2022)

Our new animation explains how the treatment backlog in the NHS affects patients and exacerbates capacity problems in general practice. London practices are welcome to share it in on social media...
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Patients to view record entries from July 2022 onwards (23 Feb 2022)

Update: this requirement was initially intended to go live on 1 April 2022, but is now postponed until July. From July 2022, patients with an existing online account will automatically be...
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UCLH positive response to reducing inappropriate transfers of activity (22 Feb 2022)

Leaders from University College London Hospitals Foundation Trust have written to consultants and GPs following representation from LMCs. Their letter includes this advice: "Please actively have conversations with patients in...
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