Free practice manager training and development opportunities

We have a wide range of exciting professional development opportunities, fully funded, for practice managers in 2020, as part of our Practice Manager Development project. The funding for this activity comes from money pledged as part of NHS England’s GP Forward View.

Londonwide LMCs’ and Practice Manager Association (PMA) learning opportunities

We teamed-up with the PMA to deliver a suite of eLearning and blended learning programmes during 2020, with the first course available to book:

Excellence in Supporting Healthcare’ ILM certificate

This newly accredited e-learning course, which normally costs £295, is based on the competency framework and career pathway and its aim is to build a workforce in which practice managers can develop confidence and skills that can be used in healthcare settings. All training activities relate to non-clinical functions enabling progression through the levels towards social prescribing and senior management roles.

Fully funded places for this unique offer are limited. If you are a practice manager and would like to apply, please contact the PMA for an application form:

Booking on these courses will open later in the spring and summer:

Peer-to-peer appraisal and development planning for practice managers

This one-day module develops skills and knowledge to interpret the outcomes of the appraisal process. Delegates will gain an understanding of the skills, principles and practice of effective management of peer-to-peer support. Practice managers will be invited to apply for dates in June or September 2020 and e-alerts with further information will be sent soon.

Coaching and mentoring module

This one-day module focuses on ‘coaching for performance’. The aim is to develop the skills needed to understand and develop the capability and capacity in the practice, as well as gaining an understanding of the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching and mentoring. Again, practice managers will be invited to apply for dates in June or September 2020. Further information will be emailed out in the coming weeks.

We are finalising arrangements for the following opportunities and will bring you further information soon:

  • Mental health awareness
  • Conflict resolution
  • Learning disabilities awareness

So far this year, the following courses and workshops have been rolled-out to constituents and are fully booked:

General practice management blended learning programme (BLP)

In December 2019, we invited practice managers to apply for our practice manager BLP. Successful applicants are now signed-up and enrolled onto cohorts to commence in the Spring, with them getting free access to the course.

Data sharing workshops

In September 2019, we ran two interactive workshops that were delivered by Protecture. Due to popular demand, we organised a further four sessions, which are now fully subscribed.

Coaching skills for managers course

In early January, we launched a two-day course aimed at practice managers who are responsible for line management and wishing to adopt a coaching style to improve performance. Places for this course are now fully booked.

Last updated : 20 Feb 2020


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